Building A Social Life After Relocating

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Relocating is a goal that we help many seniors plot on their retirement $Lifelines. However, moving into that dream retirement home can create a new set of challenges for folks who haven’t thought about how they’re going to spend their time, and who with, in a whole new place.


Try a couple of these ideas to build a new social network that will improve your new home’s Return on Life.


  1. Connect with family and friends.


Many retirees move because they want to be closer to loved ones — especially grandkids. Instead of catching highlights on social media, you can be an active participant in all those parties, holidays, soccer games, and dance recitals. Your relationship with your own children can also take on fulfilling new dimensions now that they are adults who are trying to follow in your footsteps, provide for their families, and find their way in the world. Moving might also give you a chance to spend more time with extended relatives or reconnect with old friends.


Relocating near friends and family can be a great first step in building a retirement network. But it shouldn’t be your only step. In even the closest families, it’s unrealistic to expect working parents and growing children to be your only social outlet. Block off some time on your new schedule for family dinners and the grandkids’ extracurriculars. Then look for ways to expand your network and make your retirement your own.


  1. Join a club.


Whatever you enjoy doing, there’s probably a group of seniors nearby who share your interest and meet regularly. Check social media and your new home’s senior centers to find book clubs, gardening groups, and social hours at local cafes. If you plan to dedicate a big part of your retirement to lowering your handicap or fixing your backhand, join an athletic club.


You can also investigate national organizations that might have chapters near you, such as:


  • The National Audubon Society A community dedicated to birds and nature.
  • Red Hat Society A worldwide membership society for women.
  • AARP Besides those great discounts, AARP offers social events and educational resources for seniors.
  • Good Sam A community for recreational vehicle and camper enthusiasts, which also offers its members travel discounts.


  1. Volunteer or work part time.


Taking a position at a charitable organization or nonprofit can connect you to people who share your passion for a particular issue and want to make a positive impact in your community. If you’re struggling with the transition into retirement, putting a few regular shifts on your calendar can help to give your week some of that familiar sense of structure and responsibility. Organizations that couldn’t afford your skills when you were working full time can still benefit from your professional expertise now that you’re living off your assets. The pandemic also created a need for teachers that some states are trying to meet by helping qualified adults get certified faster.


  1. Attend community events.


Farmers markets, religious services, open houses, music festivals, art fairs, and holiday celebrations can help you get a feel for the local culture in your new home. You might meet some people outside of your usual social circle and discover some new interests that will bring you closer to your community.


Is moving someplace new one of your retirement goals? Have you thought about how your social life could be impacted, both positively and negatively, if you do decide to move? Is your spouse excited about making a change as well? What other retirement goals will relocating help you to accomplish?


If you’d like to discuss these questions, let’s schedule a meeting to review your retirement housing plan. We can also work through some of our Retirement Coaching tools to make sure that relocating will help you get the best retirement possible with the money you have.



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Ogorek Wealth Management, LLC